J'Iynx (aka "the Mynx" or "Mayhem")


J'Iynx, like a few other members of the Speirling Unseelie Court, wasn't necessarily "born" in the technical sense. No one knows exactly how she came into being, but she entered the human realm through being summoned by the Firth Witch, Aettrynne. Originally, she was to be a tool or weapon for the Witch--however, she soon became the fifth member of the coven. Though she looks like a human child, J'Iynx's reason for being is to create havoc and she loves nothing more than pestering humans. Though she's not technically evil, her mischievous nature sometimes has such a malicious tone, she often comes across as being evil.
After Aettrynne's supposed demise, the other coven members left J'Iynx behind when they made their escape. She wandered amongst the realms for years, trying to find a place to belong. Unfortunately, humans soon discovered her demonic powers and were terrified of her. She didn't fit into the daemonic realms either, as she had become too humanized. So she set out to find her coven sisters, determined to do whatever she needed to do not only to find them but fit in and make them happy so she would never be left alone again. 


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