Dhampir Eravisci


Dhampir of the Eravisci

Known as being a world and time-traveling socialite, lady of leisure, and sometimes courtesan when she wants to be, Dhampir's life has not always been so glamorous.

By all standards, Dhampir should not be alive. The result of a Fomorian raid, Dhampir's mother Gundhrama was one of the many Eravisci noblewomen to be raped by the invaders. She was the chosen of Fomorian chiefs who was believed killed when the Eraviscis rallied and rescued their women. When it was decreed that the unborn half-breeds would be destroyed before they could take their first breath, Gundhrama begged her sister, the dróttning (queen) in the region to spare her child, saying that she'd dreamt that the child would one day be a great warrior for their people. The queen hid her sister away until the birth. Dhampir's appearance made it necessary to keep her from the majority of the clan. With ivory skin and hair the opalescent color of ravens, she wasn't that unlike other children of the area. However, her ears were pointed and her eyes seemed to glow when she angered even though they were the darkest of browns, almost black. Her nails at birth were also like claws and within days of her birth, she developed canine teeth that protruded and retracted, making nursing very difficult for her mother.

When the babe began walking at only a few months and showed signs of quickly gaining strength, much quicker than human children, the decision was made. She could not stay in the court. Her upbringing required special talents and training to make sure her gifts were used for the benefit of the clan and not against them.

It was the first time she was taken from those she knew as her family--but it would not be the last.

Dhampir went to live with a sect of druids in the mountains. Far away from most of the prying eyes of the surrounding clans, here she was immersed in learning--for the mind, body, and spirit. The speed of her education surprised and delighted the elder druids but she bored quickly and often. The group soon found that she required constant stimulation or she would fall into the negative side of her biological makeup.

When she was eight years old, the Fomorians came looking for her after hearing that one of the half-Fomorian children born from their earlier raids had survived. Despite the druids' magical skills, many were slaughtered by the Fomorian warriors until Dhampir made them promise that they'd kill no more if she'd agree to go with them.

She was taken to a land in the far northern reaches where most humans would not dare to travel. Here, she was brought before the Fomorian royal court and met her father for the first time. Son of one of the rulers of the Fomorian hordes, he was a popular general and leader in his own right.

It soon became clear, though, his insistence at having his daughter brought before him was not one of familial affection--it was a power play. Having one of the few half-human hybrids who also had blood ties to a royal family amongst the Celtic tribes put him into an elevated position--marrying her off to seal a political tie would make an even greater one.

Dhampir would have none of it--even at her young age, she could foresee a life of being little more than a possession. When her father was busy with scheming and planning with his officers, she sneaked away to find one of his chief rivals, his own brother. The child told her uncle everything of her father's plans and how he aimed to use her to build alliances with another large tribe. Once he believed he had all their warriors at his control, he would go to war against his brother and his other rivals to eventually become leader over the majority of the Fomorian hordes. Her plan had the desired effect. The uproar caused by the brothers going into battle against each other created enough chaos that Dhampir escaped unseen.

It took years for her to find her way back to the Eravisci. There were very few villages near the Fomorian strongholds--most of them, even if they'd found ways to withstand the cruel cold, could not withstand the Fomorian raids. For those she stumbled into, Dhampir managed to hide her identity and worked chores in exchange for food and a place to rest for a while. Once someone began to suspect that she wasn't fully human, she'd move on. It was a pattern she'd follow years later.

By the time she stepped through the gates of the largest Eravisci settlement, Dhampir was a teenager. Even though she'd become adept at hiding her Fomorian attributes, as soon as the word reached the Eravisci royal court that a young woman who was said to be the child kidnapped by the Fomorians had returned, she was found and brought before them.

After questioning the girl, the leader of the settlement declared that she must be a spy for the Fomorians--no child could have the cunning and ferocity to escape them. They must have sent her as an infiltrator. A trial was set, but it was common knowledge that the girl had already been found guilty. The trial commenced and Dhampir passed several of the tests given to her to detect falsehood. She also passed the tests of honor--to such a degree that the elders began squabbling amongst themselves that she might be an asset to the clan and perhaps should not be put to death.

During one of their side discussions, a grey-skinned woman stepped into the chambers, followed by Gundhrama, Dhampir's mother. The elders immediately recognized Aettrynne, the new high war mage of their clan. She told them that the trial was over--that she had become the new guardian of the girl.

It was the last time Dhampir would lay eyes on her mother. The woman looked much older than her years and was clearly very ill. The girl raged at her new guardian, demanding why the high mage could not heal the woman. Aettrynne told her that she could not help those who did not want to be saved.

With that, she joined Aettrynne's camp on an island far to the north--seemingly near Fomorian territory, yet undisturbed by them. Here her education--and her life--would take turns she could have never fathomed.


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