Dantae of the Durotriges


Born from a torrid affair between Queen Mab and Geoffrey, the Archdderwydd of the Durotriges tribe, Though neither of her parents were human (Geoffrey was an elven magician living in exile as a human), Dantae began her life looking mostly like a normal human child, except for her pointed ears. However, during a temper tantrum at the age of five, her appearance changed drastically, turning her skin a rich purple, her hair white and shimmering, and growing the opalescent wings that were so prevalent on her mother's side of the family. 

The transformation was traumatic. Dantae had always been precocious (and more than a bit bratty). With her new appearance, actions that once had been viewed as cute or a bit irritating was now seen as malicious mischief and potentially dangerous. Suddenly, the children she believed to be her friends were scared of her--as were their parents. She and her father became ostracised. Fearing for his daughter's safety, Geoffrey built a cottage deep in the woodlands that would become their refuge. Here, he could continue aiding those who sought his assistance but, he believed, would keep his daughter safely out of sight from those who might do her harm for being different. 

Dantae's life in the woods was little better than being cloistered. The only human contact she had was with her father and the other druids who visited--and the rare villager who braved the thick woods to seek guidance. It did give her a chance to interact more with her fae kin. Though she wasn't completely one of them, the forest fae taught her how to communicate with the flora and fauna of the area. Without having a network of friends to depend upon, the forest plants and animals became her best friends. With her father's tutelage, Dantae became a powerful druid in her own right before she reached young adulthood.

One afternoon, while assisting a doe deliver its calf which was breech, she met Nidhug who, like her, wasn't fully fae but had come to the forest to live amongst them because he'd been ostracized by the humans in his village. They became friends and spent hours together, roaming the woods, aiding sick or injured animals and helping diseased plants recover. 

Her absences became a concern to her father who appealed to Queen Mab to come help him deal with their roaming daughter. They laid down their rules to Dantae who agreed to them--a little too easily. They did not know that Dantae was already with child. That evening after her mother had departed and her father had retired to his chamber, she fled to be with Nidhug. 

By the time the babe was born, however, Dantae was so ill, Nidhug wondered if she would survive the birth. It was homesickness--so strong that she could not eat nor sleep and she was quickly fading away. Nidhug insisted that she must return to the cottage in the woods, leaving their newborn babe with him. She almost did not make the voyage. Her fae kindred in the woods found her near death at the side of a stream. She had been too weak to cross it successfully and had almost drowned. They healed her but it took time. By the time she returned to her father's cottage, she found it abandoned.

From her animal friends, she learned that he had returned to the village, immersing himself in helping defend the tribe against the invasions coming from the continent. By now, she knew how to glamour herself as being fully human--and she went looking for him in the village.

She followed a large number of the villagers pilgrimaging to another town, down the coastline. There had been a grand challenge called for mages, wizened, and druids--anyone who had magical abilities--to find those who might be the Grand War Mage for several tribes who had come together to try to better defend themselves against the invaders coming from southern Europe. 

Her father was doing quite well in the tournament--his years away from the everyday hustle and bustle of village life had allowed him to focus much of his time and energy on honing his abilities. He'd already made it to the final challenges when Dantae had the courage to show herself. Seeing his daughter bolstered Geoffrey even more. He felt like it was a sign that everything was as it should be.

His next challenger was a young woman from the continent. It was said that she was part drow and that was how she naturally seemed to wield magicks that should be far beyond the grasp of someone of her years--and her skin was of an odd grayish tone that gave her the look of someone in the grip of death. The size of her ego angered Geoffrey. Leading into their competition, she repeatedly goaded him about his age and lack of ability. 

Geoffrey then made a fatal mistake. His competitor angered him to the point that he wagered the thing closest to his heart if he failed to best the young woman. When she easily beat him in their challenges, he was sure that her challenge had been a means to kill him--and prepared for her to reach into his chest. Instead, she pointed at Dantae. His daughter would become her ward.

Her mother came raging when she'd heard the news. She said she'd turn her daughter into a forest creature before let her become a won trophy. Dantae's cooler head prevailed, however. She pointed out that the barter had been made according to the local customs and, if her parents were to back out now, they would be dishonoring those customs. Since the competition had been couched as a religious festival, dedicated to the fae protectors, it would look even worse. From her new captor/mentor, she had but one request--that she be allowed to return to the cottage in the woods to visit her father whenever she needed or wanted. The new war mage acquiesced and her parents finally agreed to the deal. With that, she became part of Aettrynne, the Firth Witch's coven.



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